Ricerche idriche & termali


Eng - Armanetti Maurizio - International water detection

International Experience in Water and Thermal Spa Water search

Our company is a recognized leader in the detection of Water and Thermal Spa Water, both nationally and internationally.
We specialize in locating large quantities of water for artesian wells, ensuring a constant flow rate even during droughts.
We also uncover Thermal Spa Water in unexplored areas, unlocking extraordinary economic, energy, and tourism opportunities.

Services offered

  • Water Search for artesian wells for Municipalities, Industries, Agriculture, Companies, Hotels
  • Water Search for drinking water wells in arid countries
  • Water Search for hotels and accommodations, improving the services offered to customers
  • Thermal Spa Water search in unexplored areas.
  • Oil and Gas search

Discovery of underground water

We are able to find underground water even in difficult areas.

Maurizio Armanetti, owner of the company "ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s.", has 39 years of experience in the field of Water Search.

Also interviewed by the New York Times, Armanetti has discovered water even where the best geologists and dowsers have failed.


With Certifications from Italian State Agencies such as ITALGAS, we have shown our expertise by succeeding in situations where others have failed ( after 85 years of failure, Maurizio Armanetti discovers a large aquifer ...).

Official Certifications

Official certifications from Italian authorities attest to the significant results of our water and thermal spa water research.

Discovery of Thermal Spa Water in unexplored areas

With over 39 years of expertise and specialized know-how, we quarantee successful discoveries of thermal water in new areas.
Our proven effectiveness exceeds a 99% success rate in locating water resources, including drinking, mineral, and thermal water.

Eng - Armanetti Maurizio - International water detection

Thermal water search with special quarantee formula

We offer a unique guarantee formula to confirm the presence of thermal water on our client's land.

Who is our Thermal Search service designed for?

  • to Hotels, Farmhouses, Farmers, Investors, Entrepeneurs, Real Estate Companies, Municipalities, etc.
  • to those who have land, even agricultural, and want to enhance their property with the precious hot thermal water.
  • to Agricultural Companies for free heating of greenhouses and thermal brand.
  • for those who want to obtain the maximum thermal potential in their land and want the security of the result.
  • for those who want to use the hot thermal water not only for tourism but also as green source of energy.
  • Entrepeneurs in the renewable energy sector.

Economic potential of a new hot thermal water detection

  • Sustainable energy: Use of free heat for heating.
  • deseasonalisation of tourism: Creation of permanent tourist offers, attractive to national and international visitors.
  • Environmental enhancement: Hot open-air pools or thermal lakes, usable in all seasons, even in winter, for a unique and evocative experience.
  • Rehabilitation and cures: Dedicated rehabilitation centres, ideal for sports teams and therapeutic treatments.
  • Closed thermal water cycle: After use, the water flows into a landscaped pond, enriched with vegetation and aquatic fauna, benefiting from the warm microclimate. The pond can be used for phyto-purification and agricultural recycling.

Innovatives advantages of hot thermal water

  • Sustainable building development: Possibility to build new facilities or expand existing ones on agricultural land (as for golf), with urban planning variations for spa development, favouring ecological building.
  • Quality agriculture and wellness: Use of diluted thermal water to improve the quality of crops such as fruit, vegetables, oil and wine, with the benefits of thermal minerals.
  • Hydroponic thermal cultivation: Application of thermal water to hydroponic cultivation systems, increasing quality, productivity and agricultural sustainability.
  • New thermal products: Exploitation of thermal water for the production of mineral drinks, cosmetic lines and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages based on various mineral grades of thermal water.
  • Innovative supplements: Creation of food supplements with thermal water and medicinal herbs cultivated under the thermal brand.
  • Thermal fish farming: Breeding of fish species such as sturgeon, eel and caviar production using the thermal microclimate.
  • Industry and sustainability: Sustainable electricity generation, green lithium mining and industrial reconversion and much more.

Extraordinary Thermal Water detection in the Plain of Valdieri Cuneo. Project financed and spervised by the Piedmont Region.

What makes us unique

Official certifications from Italian state authorities attest to our success in the thermal water sector, with a success rate exceeding 99%. This guarantees the accuracy and reliability of the information on our website. Additionally, we offer verifiable credentials and a proven track record as further evidence of our credibility and transparency.


Consolidated experience: With more than 39 years of experience in water exploration, we are leaders in the field.


Efficiency in every context: We are specialised in finding laarge quantities of groundwater, even in difficult and complex areas.


Unique discoveries: We identify new sources of thermal water even in unexplored areas, offering unique opportunities for development.


Detailed technical reports: We provide comprehensive documentation including:

 - Drilling point

 - Estimated depth of water table

 - Potential amount of water that can be extracted from the well

 - Water quality (thermal, mineral, potable)

 - Expected temperatures at different depths (for thermal water)


Personalised consulting and comprehensive support:

We accompany our clients at every stage of the project. We guide and advise our clients in choosing the most suitable drilling company, guaranteeing the best value for money. We provide a detailed drilling protocol to ensure the success of the operation. Upon request, we can supervise specific stages of the drilling process. We offer free dedicated telephone assistance throughout the entire process, guaranteeing continuous and professional support.


By choosing us, you have the security of an experienced and reliable partner, ready to support you at all times.

Official testimonies

"I have followed Armanetti's work since 1989, when I was Minister of Public Works. I appreciated his great achievements in the field of water research even when he worked for Italgas (Italy's main holder of aqueducts and gas pipelines).

Armanetti has received major awards from the national press and television for solving serious water problems for several municipalities and industries.

I sincerely believe that his expertise will be of great help to those Paresi who have water problems."



Hon. Enrico Ferri
Former Minister of Public Works


"His abilities are extraordinary. He seems to be able to see through the earth with his hands."

"He has found water for us in places where we had almost given up after long and expensive searches. I remember a place where our company had been searching for water since 1906, using all possible technology to no avail. After only two days walking in the area, Maurizio discovered a rich vein of water and told us exactly how shallow the water was."

‘Thanks to his gift, we were able to save millions of dollars.’



Vittorio Arbasino
Director ITALGAS Group in Rapallo

Il Nostro Metodo

We are at the forefront of Water and Thermal Research. Our success is due to Maurizio Armanetti's extraordinary ability to assess with absolute precision the “quality” of water, be it thermal, mineral or drinking water.


Our company has distinguished itself internationally through the implementation of innovative projects in the field of water and thermal research, combining outstanding technical and scientific expertise with Armanetti's extraordinary intuitive skills. This unique approach represents a fusion of geological knowledge and cognitive skills, a methodology that has thrust our company into the international spotlight.


Indeed, Armanetti uses his mind as a veritable “bio-computer,” capable of delivering highly accurate and innovative solutions. The extraordinary results achieved have led our company to receive official recognition from the Ministry of Public Works, certifications from public bodies of the Italian state, and important testimonials of esteem from companies of international caliber.


The statements of support from Ministers and prominent figures, along with the certificates received, confirm the effectiveness and revolutionary scope of this innovative technology, which continues to redefine industry standards.

ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s.
Via Aldo Moro 114 
54028 Villafranca in Lunigiana (MS)
P.IVA/C.F. 01144520457

TEL.  +39 3498408341

MAIL:  armanettimaurizio@libero.it