ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s. is a world leader in the search for water and thermal resources. Founded by Maurizio Armanetti and Alexandra Hold-Ferneck, our company is known for its innovative methodologies and unique approach that combines scientific knowledge and intuition to discover valuable resources hidden underground.
With over 39 years of experience and success, Maurizio Armanetti has revolutionized the world of water research with his pioneering technique of Scientific and Quantum Dowsing. This advanced methodology, coupled with his extraordinary intuitive ability, has enabled the discovery of large aquifers where other experts had failed for decades.
Our mission is to offer excellent results in the search for potable, thermal and irrigation waters, in Italy and abroad. We are leaders in the field because of our know-how and proven ability to locate water resources in unexplored areas, guaranteeing 99% success.
One of the most striking examples is the discovery of a vast aquifer for ITALGAS in Rapallo, after 85 years of unsuccessful attempts. This achievement, like many others, has won official recognition from Italian government agencies and the attention of the international press, including the New York Times.
Maurizio Armanetti
Founder and President
Maurizio Armanetti is a leading figure in international water research, with 39 years of experience and a 99 percent success rate in fields where many others had failed.
His ability to identify and assess the quality of groundwater, mineral and thermal waters has been officially certified, earning him fame not only in Italy but also abroad.
Armanetti has revolutionized the field with his Scientific and Quantum Rabdomancy, a method that combines in-depth geological knowledge with intuitive skills, using the
brain as a true “biocomputer.” This approach, the result of more than 39 years of refinement, allows for the accurate determination of key parameters of thermal water resources, such as the
identification of aquifers, water depth and temperature, and flow rate.
The success of Armanetti's methodology has been evidenced by numerous certificates and statements in its favor, both from public figures and from Italian state agencies.
One of his best-known achievements is the discovery of a vast underground aquifer in Rapallo, Liguria, certified by the company ITALGAS after 85 years of failure by
geologists and dowsers. This extraordinary achievement also made headlines in the United States, with articles in the New York Times and the National
Armanetti was appointed Commissioner at the Ministry of Tourism in the Commission for the Development of Thermal Tourism and Wellness, contributing to the promotion of the Italian spa sector.
He has also served as a lecturer at the Free University “Achille D'Angelo - Giacomo Catinella ” in Lecce and has participated in numerous conferences and seminars, both
academic and professional, collaborating with prestigious institutions such as the Milan Polytechnic andIULM University.
The impact of his discoveries is reflected in numerous publications and awards received from the academic and professional world. His dedication and innovation have marked a turning point in the field of water and thermal research, making him a leading figure in the field.
Alexandra Hold-Ferneck
Vice president of ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s.
Born and raised in Germany, Alexandra Hold-Ferneck has more than 25 years of experience in the field of Geobiology, Rhabdomomancy and the
creation of natural food supplements, developing unique skills that have made her an important and leading figure in the field.
Her international education and innovative vision have enabled her to combine traditional scientific knowledge with holistic and natural methods.
In close collaboration with Maurizio Armanetti, Alexandra has co-developed a revolutionary research system called Psychoesthesia, a methodology that explores the connections between mind, environment and perception, detailed in their book “Handbook of Psychoesthesia,” published by Tecniche Nuove. This approach combines modern science with intuitive principles to improve the effectiveness of water and spa research.
Together with Maurizio Armanetti, Alexandra Hold-Ferneck has developed the BIOENERGEN Method, a holistic approach that embraces all-round wellness. This method offers indispensable tools that have helped enhance Armanetti's extraordinary abilities, enabling him to achieve exceptional milestones in the field of water and wellness research.
Alexandra has also co-organized numerous Geobiology courses and international Natural Medicine conferences , involving world-renowned scientists and researchers. These events have helped disseminate innovative techniques for wellness and health, bridging the gap between natural medicine and contemporary science.
Currently, she is engaged in major research projects to identify valuable thermal water sources and in solvingwater supply challenges in arid areas of the world. Her work focuses on developing sustainable solutions for the future of global water resources, helping to improve the quality of life in disadvantaged regions.
What makes ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s. unique is the fusion of science and intuition, an approach that allows us to discover groundwater, potable and thermal, even in the most challenging areas. Each project is carefully managed, providing tailored solutions that guarantee concrete and sustainable results.
We are the ideal partner for those seeking not only water, but also opportunities to exploit it for tourism, agriculture or energy, with minimal environmental impact and maximum growth potential.