Minister of Public Works

Minister of Public Works, Enrico Ferri 1989, sends a letter of congratulations to Maurizio Armanetti for his achievements in the field of water research.


Maurizio Armanetti received from the Italian state, through the Minister of Public Works, in the person of then Minister Enrico Ferri, a letter of congratulations for his achievements in the field of water research.

Minister of Tourism

On October 26, 2006, the Minister of Tourism, Michela Vittoria Brambilla, invited Maurizio Armanetti, by virtue of his great achievements in water and spa research, to join the Ministerial Commission for “Spa Development and Wellness.”


ITALGAS, a national aqueduct and gas pipeline company

ITALGAS company officially gives him credit for discovering a very large Underground Aquifer in Liguria (Rapallo), after almost a century of failure, 85 years to be exact.

The stratigraphy of the Well revealed the presence of aquifers exactly at the elevations indicated by Maurizio Armanetti, and precisely in the interval 110-130m and over 160m. Initial tests also confirmed the assumed flow rate of 20-30 l/s.”

Certificazione ITALGAS

Municipality of Villafranca in L.

“It is hereby attested that the dowser Maurizio Armanetti, owner of the company Luni Idro Ricerche, commissioned by the municipality by Municipal Council Resolution No. 49 to solve the water supply problems in the swimming pool area, submitted a research report, which was followed by a borehole, under the direction of the same which showed the validity of the research report and the resolution of the water problem.”

Municipality of Filattiera

“ A survey was requested from the company Luni Idro Ricerche to locate possible groundwater in order to solve water supply problems ...”


“ The drilling proved the accuracy of the research performed by Luni Idro, considering that the well drilled completely meets the water needs ...”

Municipality of Fivizzano

” It is confirmed that the company Luni Idro Ricerche carried out 5 surveys for location of underground aquifers with the following results: Number of positive surveys: 5 out of 5 from which used the two most convenient for the purpose of municipal water supply.

The results fully confirmed the accuracy of the survey carried out by the company Luni Idro Ricerca both as the identification of the points and the physical-chemical characteristics of the water."

Municipality of Podenzana

” The results of the investigation and drilling by the company Luni Idro Ricerche are hereby confirmed.

Location: exact as indicated by the company Luni Idro Ricerche.

Indicated depth m. 40-50: Depth from the water table ascertained m. 42-46.

Physical-chemical-oligomineral quality: as per the predictions of the company Luni Idro Ricerche.”...

ITALGAS Group Rapallo Director Vittorio Arbasino

Municipality of Valdieri - Cuneo

THERMAL RESEARCH: another extraordinary feat of our society, EITHER 99% successful. All officially documented.


THERMAL RESEARCH project of the Municipality of Valdieri, funded by the Piedmont Region under the supervision of the Polytechnic University of Turin.


Comune di Valdieri Ricerca Termale

ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C. s.a.s.
Via Aldo Moro 114 
54028 Villafranca in Lunigiana (MS)
P.IVA/C.F. 01144520457

TEL.  +39 3498408341

MAIL:  armanettimaurizio@libero.it