A historical triumph of thermal spa water search with special and unique “quantum” mental abilities - 99% success rate

In 2018 came official confirmation of the great success achieved by the company Luni Ricerche, now
ALEXANDRA sas regarding the thermal discovery in the Plain of Valdieri Municipality, a project funded by the
Piedmont Region, which entrusted the Polytechnic University of Turin with scientific supervision.
All documents and the scientific report of the Polytechnic of Turin, are available at the same institution.
The Thermal investigation by Maurizio Armanetti, President of Luni Ricerche, now CEO of ALEXANDRA sas, was fully successful with more than 99% success rate both for the discovery of the precious Thermal water and for the precise identification of the water table depths and the thermal water temperatures at the various depths.
In 2013, following a meeting with then-mayor Emanuel Parracone, Luni Ricerche srl was commissioned by the Mountain Community to develop a Feasibility Project* for thermal research in the Valdieri Plain.
The area, considered ideal for thermal tourism development, had been indicated by the Mountain Community and the Municipality of
Valdieri as an area of potential interest.
Making use of its unique method, called Quantumestesia which boasts a success rate of more than 99 percent,
Luni Ricerche srl conducted a preliminary thermal research, identifying the area as positive for the presence of a
valuable thermal aquifer. The company provided a detailed report that included precise indications of the depths to be
to be reached, the temperatures of the thermal aquifer at different elevations, and a preliminary estimate of the flow rate.
* Feasibility Project:
The Feasibility Project consists of an exclusive technical service designed to identify, through a thorough preliminary investigation, the location of new thermal water resources. Technical investigations to identify possible thermal aquifers are targeted to the specific area indicated by the developer.
Upon completion of the analysis, a detailed report containing a forecast stratigraphy and essential technical data to support strategic and business decisions is delivered to the user. The data provided, excluding point staking, are the result of thorough preliminary research and include:
- Analysis in the areas indicated by the user in order to verify the possible presence of valuable thermal aquifers
- Depths of thermal aquifers
- Indicative temperatures at the various depths of the thermal waters.
- Indicative flow rate of the thermal aquifer.
Excerpts from the Report delivered on 04.09.2013 to the Mountain Community of the Alps and the Sea:

Report of Events
Following the report of Luni Ricerche, which highlighted the presence of thermal water tables in the Valdieri Plain, considered ideal for thermal tourism development due in part to its landscaping, the municipality issued a call for bids with a specific clause:
the drilling company would have to guarantee the success of the well, under penalty of non-payment in case of a negative outcome (no thermal water).
The call for bids was won by a drilling company that, instead of turning to Luni Ricerche srl to complete the thermal research and locate the exact spot for the drilling, consulted a large company of geologists from Siena, S.G.G., to conduct further scientific investigations.
After three months of studies, S.G.G. negatively evaluated the area confirmed as thermal by Luni Ricerche and indicated a different area, moving about 1 km away from the area initially suggested.
According to S.G.G. geologists, their scientific analyses showed that the area indicated by Luni Ricerche was not suitable for thermal catchment. Consequently, they decided to move the drilling point away from the area that the municipality itself considered optimal for thermal tourism development.
Luni Research's reaction
Luni Ricerche sent a registered letter to the municipality of Valdieri disputing S.G.G.'s conclusions, claiming that drilling at the spot indicated by the latter would lead to total failure, without finding thermal water.
Excerpt from the letter delivered to the protocol of the Municipality of Valdieri:
"I will preface this by saying that, according to my research (outside the fence) pushed to a depth of about 1300 meters, the
drilling underway in Valdieri (company Nigro Group Srl) for the discovery of hot thermal waters will yield NEGATIVE results,
because it is drilling in the wrong area.
Negative with regard to the discovery, as per the initial project (see attached Feasibility Project for Research
Thermal Valdieri), of a thermal water as today's market requires, rich in minerals (over 1000 mg) and with a
temperature above 37°C (suitable for indoor and outdoor pools, even in winter, for deseasonalized tourism,
The water that will be found will have a predominance of common water, with temperature in emunition between
20°C to 30°C, low in minerals (oligomineral), although 'contaminated' in its course by thermal water."
Result of drilling based on S.G.G. directions:
Drilling carried out according to the S.G.G.'s instructions reached a depth of about 800 meters, but was
with a total failure: no thermal water was found in accordance with the project. The water found turned out to be mostly common, with characteristics unsuitable for thermal tourism development.
The risk to the spa project and the final rescue:
The failure of the well drilled on the instructions of S.G.G. threatened to jeopardize the entire spa project and the tourism dreams of the municipality of Valdieri, even jeopardizing funding from the Piedmont Region.
The situation was saved in extremis thanks to a new assignment given to Luni Ricerche, which resumed investigations in the area initially identified.
Drilling at the point indicated by Luni Ricerche, at a depth of only 380 meters, excellent thermal water was found, with temperature and flow rate perfectly corresponding to the initial predictions.
This extraordinary success made it possible to recover the thermal project and to revive the tourism prospects of the Valdieri Plain. In practice, Maurizio Armanetti's predictions were accurate both in the thermal discovery and in predicting where the thermal water was not, in the Geologists' failed well.
The geologists failed resoundingly 2 times, the first time stating that there was no thermal water in the area chosen by the municipality and confirmed by Armanetti, and instead there the thermal discovery was a great success, and in determining a drilling point after a good 3 months of geological research totally failed.
Pz 1 : Well excavated on directions from S.G.G.
Pz 2 : Well excavated on indications of Luni Ricerche srl

Well 2 was excavated on the instructions of Luni Ricerche s.r.l. on behalf of Nigro Group srl.
The depth of Well 2 is 380 meters. All the technical documentation scientifically confirming all the data presented here is located at the Municipality of Valdieri .
In-hole geological analysis ( Log ), and stratigraphy by the drilling company Nigro Group confirm the result of the search for the precious Thermal Water by Luni Ricerche :
100% accurate .
Here are the scientific results showing that the technical data written in the Report of Luni Ricerche srl are 100% accurate:
1) Discovery of water with thermal mineral qualities,
2) Exact depth of thermal aquifers (328-335 mt / 358- 366 mt),
3) Exact temperature of thermal aquifers 328-335 mt 15 degrees/358- 366 mt 18 degrees.
This Thermal research has not only a strong economic value for the Municipality of Valdieri, but also a high scientific value as an objective demonstration of how much the human brain possesses extraordinary perceptual gifts that are superior to current computers and scientific equipment.
07/13/2018 Valdieri (Cuneo), public evening to present thermal research results and future urban development.
Photo 1 (left): Maurizio Armanetti illustrates the success of Luni Ricerche srl in the discovery of precious Thermal Water in the Valdieri Plain. Speakers at the uiciale presentation: the Mayor of Valdieri Gaiotti Giacomo Luigi, former Mayor Emanuel Parracone, representatives of the Piedmont Region, Mountain Community, Technicians (Geologist and Engineer Alberto Betaz, Engineer Paolo Cavaglià) ...
Photo 2 (right): (from right to left) Mayor of Valdieri Gaiotti Giacomo Luigi, Eng. Paolo Cavaglià, Owner of Nigro Group srl and exponents of the Piedmont Region presenting the positive result of the thermal research of well 2 in the Valdieri Plain and future urban developments.

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